Monday, March 16, 2015

Geronimo Stilton: The Hunt For The Golden Book

Geronimo Stilton is celebrating his tenth anniversary for publishing his first book. His Grandfather wants him to write a special book for the occasion that must be completed in time for the huge party he is throwing for Geronimo. Geronimo's laptop is stolen, and it has the only copy of the book. He enlists his family and friends to help him find his computer and print the book before the party. Will they be able to get the book printed before it is too late?

I liked reading this Geronimo Stilton book. It was fun to read, and it had lot of bonus material. There was an extra short story: The Lake Monster. It is a fun mystery that Geronimo and his friends must solve. At the end, you can see how many of the clues you got correct to find out what level of Mouse Detective you are. There were also a whole bunch of jokes that were fun to read and tell to other people. I thought all the different features were a great way to involve the reader in what was going on.

I liked the focus of the main story as well. You learn about how books are made, which is always great to understand how things are made. I also liked the focus on relationships. It really showed how important it is to be considerate of other people. This book is geared towards the 7-10 year old age group, and is a fun story.

This is the tenth book the Bookworms have read together. Alejandro picked this book out. It was one of the newer Geronimo Stilton books, and was one they had not read yet. They are huge fans of this series. We had a great time discussing the book, and telling the jokes at the end to each other. Here are just a few of the Bookworms' thoughts on the book. Warning! There may be some spoilers.

Q&A With The Bookworms Book Club

How many stars out of 5 would you give this book?
Alejandro 6! 5 for the main story and the sixth is for the extra stuff. It was really good.
Paige 5 I liked it!

What was your favorite part of the book?
Paige When his Grandfather gives him back the book with a lot of red marks to change it to be more about him. And the romantic cruise with Lola.
Alejandro All of it! I did really like when he was inside the cargo plane looking for his computer. I predict other people weren't happy when they found all the open boxes.

What did you think about learning how books were made?
Alejandro I thought it was cool to read about it. It was my first time learning about that.
Paige We learned about it in school, but it was fun to read about.

Would you want to be an newspaper editor like Geronimo, or a secret agent like his friend?
Paige A secret agent. Because it is cool and I could solve things like a mystery.
Alejandro I would be an editor. Because I would be famous and I like reading the newspaper and reading things and I could write a book about the Loch Ness Monster.

Would you parachute out of a plane?
Alejandro Yes it would be fun.
Paige No. I could go in the water or hit a rock and die.

Did you like the Lake Monster story?
Alejandro I thought it was cool!
Paige Yes.

Did you read the clues, and were you able to figure them out?
Paige Some of them.
Alejandro Yes, and I figured them out.

What level detective were you?
Both: Super Investigator.

Did the clues help you know what to pay attention to in then story?
Alejandro Yes, but I noticed some stuff without the clues.
Paige Yeah, but I noticed some things with the clues and some without the clues.

Did you have a favorite joke?
Paige I liked a lot of them, but I really liked the one about the skunk. It really stinks!
Alejandro I thought they were funny. My favorite was probably: Why shouldn't you tell jokes to an egg? It might crack up!

Thank you to the Bookworms for reading and reviewing this book with me. I had a lot of fun talking about it and telling the jokes. I look forward to our next book! 

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